A company wants to ship canned products from Korean to Vietnam
한국 통조림제품 기업의 베트남시장 확장을 위한 거래제안



Subject: Vietnamese Importer Sought for Canned Goods


Dear Sir or Madam,


My name is Ms. Choi from Canned Korea Ltd. We have been given your address through the courtesy of the Korean Embassy in Hanoi and have this opportunity to contact you for the following purpose.


We are one of the leading firms in Korea that specializes in the export of high quality Korean canned provisions, especially canned tuna. We are looking to expand our business into the Vietnamese market and we firmly believe our products will be successful given their excellent quality, attractive prices and track record in other international markets in which we have entered.


If you are interested in this opportunity and would like to know more please do not hesitate to contact us. We are members of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Korea and of the Korean Traders Association.


I look forward to hearing from you soon.








- have been given your address through the courtesy of:  ~의 호의에 의하여 귀사의 주소를 알게 되었습니다. 

- canned provisions: 통조림제품

- canned tuna: 참치통조림

- track record in other international markets in which we have entered: 당사가 진입한 다른 다국적 시작의 실적

- Chamber of Commerce: 상공회의소



Subject: Re: Vietnamese Importer Sought for Canned Goods


Dear Ms. Choi,


Thank you for your email of January 14, expressing your desire to find a reputable importer who would be in a position to handle your canned products in Vietnam.


As you know we have a long history in the import business here in Vietnam and we would be very happy to discuss this matter further. However, before we meet, could you please forward a complete list of the products you propose to export to Vietnam and an idea of the quantities involved.


I look forward to receiving your email.








- reputable importer: 평판이 좋은 수입자

- be in a position to handle your canned products: 귀하의 통조림 제품을 다루어줄 자리에 있는

- forward a complete list of products you propose to export: 귀사가 수출하려고 제안한 완성된 물품명단을 보내다



Subject: Re: Vietnamese Importer Sought for Canned Goods


Dear [Name],


We are very encouraged to hear you are interested in handling our imports to Vietnam. Please find attached a full list of the products we are planning to export initially. The volume of each product cannot be confirmed but we have included an estimated volume for your consideration.



Ms. Choi





- interest in handling our imports to Vietnam: 베트남에서 당사 수입품을 다루는 것에 관심이 있다

- plan to export initially: 처음에는 수출을 할 계획이다

- include an estimated volume for your consideration: 귀하의 고려를 위해 추정된 양을 포함하다



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