
kimswed 2018.05.30 09:06 조회 수 : 13109


지난 2월 16일 오전, Nguyễn Xuân Phúc 수상은 호아락 하이테크 단지(HHTP)를 방문하여 베트남 과기부 장관과 공단 관련 기업의 노고를 치하했다. 이날 회의를 마친 후 특별히 현재 MDA 종합건설(대표 송인수)이 공단 내 건설 중인 한화테크윈 항공기 엔진부품 공장을 전격 방문하여,

공장의 진행상황을 브리핑 받고 신현우 한화테크윈 항공, 방산부문 대표이사와는 기념 촬영과 수상실 귀빈 선물을 전하는 등 특별한 관심을 보였다. 이후 MDA 종합건설(대표 송인수)의 현장 근로자들과 일일이 새해덕담과 악수를 나누며 격려했다.

한화테크윈 베트남 공장은 지난 9월 이혁 주베트남 한국대사와 신현우 한화테크윈 대표, 베트남 정부 관계자 등이 참석한 가운데 신규 공장 기공식을 한 바 있다. 이 회사가 해외에 항공기 엔진부품 공장을 두는 것은 이번이 처음이다. 베트남 수도 하노이 외곽에 있는 호아락하이테크단(HHTP)는 하노이 미딩지역(한인타운)에서 30분 이내의 근거리에 있다. 공장은 약 10만㎡의 부지에 축구장 면적의 약 8배인 6만여㎡ 규모로 건설 중이다.

한화테크윈은 2억 달러(약 2천266억 원)를 투자해 이 공장을 건설, 올해 하반기부터 가동할 계획이다. 고용인원은 초기 200여 명에서 점차 800여 명으로 늘릴 방침이다.

한화테크윈은 최근 세계 3대 항공기 엔진 제작업체인 제너럴일렉트릭(GE), 프랫 앤드 휘트니(P&W), 롤스로이스로부터 대규모 부품을 수주하며 엔진부품 사업을 확대하고 있다.

한국의 창원공장에서는 고도화된 기술 역량을 기반으로 고부가 제품군을 생산하고 베트남 공장은 가격 경쟁력이 필요한 제품군 생산에 특화한다는 것이 한화테크윈의 구상이다.

한화테크윈은 국내 최대 항공기 엔진 부품 제작사라는 정체성을 살리기 위해 4월 1일부터 사명을‘항공우주’의미를 담은 한화에어로스페이스로 바꾼다. 한화테크윈 관계자는“직관적이고 글로벌 시장에서 사용하기 쉬운 사명으로 바꿔야 한다는 필요성이 제기됐다”고 설명했다. 기존 사명(한화테크윈)은 분사하는 영상보안 사업부문이 가져가기로 했다.


이번 호아락 하이테크 단지(HHTP)는 향후 4차 산업혁명에 대비 베트남 과학 기술부에서 직접 관장하는 공단으로 베트남 정부의 초 절정 관심 공단이다. 2월 16일 Chu Ngọc Anh 과학기술부 장관은 4차 산업혁명을 추구는 사업으로 2017년에 화락 하이테크 공단이 66 조 동의 국내외 투자를 유치했으며 공단의 과학기술정보은행은 3.500 개의 특허 및 수 천명의 전문가와 기업을 보유하고 있다고 Nguyễn Xuân Phúc 수상에게 보고했다.

Nguyễn Xuân Phúc 수상은 대부분의 스타트업 기업이 젊고 과학기술 잠재력이 있는 기업이라 아주 흥분된다고 말했다. 베트남에서 하이테크 스타트업을 위한 가장 좋은 공단으로 만드는 데에 최고의 인프라 조건을 제공하는데 시대적 사명감을 가져야 할것을 당부했다.

베트남 현지와 외국 기업의 관심을 한 몸에 받고 있는 호아락 하이테크 단지(HHTP) 내에 제1호 착공 삽을 뜬 MDA 종합건설 (대표 송인수)는 회사의 사운을 걸고 다시 한번 재도약과 변화를 추구하고 있다.

이 공장을 건설 중인 MDA 종합건설(대표 송인수)는 2008년 삼성전자가 박린성에 대규모 투자를 시작할 당시 대단위 1차 협력공장을 차례로 건설했으며, 부동산 개발업에도 진출, 박린성과 인근에 있는 박장성에서 대규모 한국형 산업공단을 건설, 분양 중에 있다.





Aerospace & Mechatronics

Business Highlights

Introduction to Hanwha's Aerospace & Mechatronics

Corporate Video

Explore How Hanwha’s Technology in Aerospace & Mechatronics Brings Smarter, Safer, and More Convenient Tomorrow | English

Technology is all around us and it has changed our lives and industries smarter, safer, and more convenient. As technology further leads us to the 4th industrial revolution, thinking machines and artificial intelligence we have long imagined are now becoming a reality. Behind this advancement of technology lies the history of every endeavor to ensure impeccable precision.

[History of Advanced Technology, Hanwha]
Over the past five decades, Hanwha - a Fortune 500 company – has been a driving force behind innovation in aerospace, unmanned technology and machinery to make better future for our lives and industries through precision in engineering and cutting-edge technology.

[A Leading Company, Providing Comprehensive Aerospace Solutions]
Hanwha has become a key solution provider in the aviation industry with its extensive technology and infrastructure. Hanwha is a reliable global partner in the aircraft engines and core parts markets with a reputation for quality and technological prowess, and is also at the forefront of advancing the state-of-the-art aerospace technologies that are connecting mankind with space, based on its unparalleled competitiveness in optronic sensors, avionics and navigation systems.

[From Precision Mechatronics to Smart Solutions]
Hanwha offers customized solutions based on its precision mechatronics and application proficiency. As the cumulative global sales of Chip Mounter, an assembly machine with precision technology supplied to countries across the globe, has exceeded 26,000 units Hanwha is providing total solution by means of implementing unmanned, ceaseless and zero–defect 'smart-factory' system including the world's first automated tire production process.

[Next-generation Intelligence, Unmanned Systems Business]
Hanwha's technologies are now taking major steps into the areas of the fourth industrial revolution such as next-generation unmanned robot systems business, automation and smart solutions. From industrial robots exceeding human capabilities to collaborate with humans, to drones carrying out assignments on behalf of mankind and security solutions that keep individuals out of harm’s way, Hanwha is shaping a new horizon to increase safety and convenience for our lives and industries.

Along with impeccable precision in engineering and cutting-edge technologies that go beyond today’s limit Hanwha is bringing the future to our lives and industries today Connecting to a smarter, safer and more convenient tomorrow through technologies, Hanwha


Business in Focus

  • business1.png


    Aerospace solution leader
    Aircraft engine produced
  • Reliable supplier
    of OEMs - GE, P&W, Rolls-Royce
  • Precision mechatronics
    Over 26,000 units
    Chip mounter sales
  • Global defense giants
    Top 2
    Sales in defense equipment

Hanwha's Aerospace & Mechatronics at a Glance

DefenseDuring 40-year period, Hanwha gained numerous core technologies
in defense equipment and aerospace solutions from rich experiences
in government-led defense projects.


Hanwha Techwin Invests $100M in Its New Subsidiary in Vietnam

  • Techwin secures production base investing $100M in its new subsidiary in Vietnam to expands its security business globally
  • Company plans to pursue bold investment in security business development and marketing going forward

[April 21, 2017] Hanwha Techwin (Security Business Group, President and CEO Lee Man-Seob) held a groundbreaking ceremony on April 20th for its new establishment in Vietnam where the company invested US$100 million as part of its endeavor to bolster its global security business.

After conducting a market survey on a number of viable locations considered for the new subsidiary in Vietnam, the Bac Ninh province, lying about 35 km northeast of Hanoi, was chosen as the most ideal location as it offers significant benefits in terms of parts supply, logistics, and manpower. A 60,000㎡ site in the Que Vo district of the Bac Ninh province will be developed as a base to produce Hanwha Techwin's security products, including network cameras and recording devices.

The construction is due to be completed by December 2017, with production line set-up and test production targeted for the first half of 2018 and mass production and full-fledged operation commencing in the second half of 2018.

The investment was spurred by the Vietnamese government's "friendly policy," "flexible labor market" policy, and "securing various logistics channels for import and export" through land and neighboring ports.

Hanwha Techwin's new subsidiary is a demonstration of its plan to expand its security business in the mid to long term by diversifying its global production bases. Building a manufacturing plant in Vietnam, in addition to the existing factory in Tianjin, China, reflects this. 

The investment will bring Hanwha Techwin significant benefits particularly in terms of expanding its production capacity (8 million units/year), enhanced cost competitiveness through production cost innovation, and securing skilled manpower at relatively low labor cost, driving the company to gain foothold in the rapidly growing Southeast Asian market and become a global security solution provider.

"This investment is a testimony to Hanwha Group's dedication to the security business as well as its strategy to continue making aggressive investments to conquer the global market," said a spokesperson of Hanwha Techwin's Security Business Group, stating the company's aspiration for its business. "We will not hesitate to make further bold investments in development and marketing going forward."

Hanwha Group

Hanwha Group, founded in 1952, is one of the Top-Ten business enterprises in South Korea and a “FORTUNE Global 500” company. Hanwha Group has 61 domestic affiliates and 258 global networks in three major sectors: manufacturing and construction, finance, and services and leisure. With more than 65 years track record of industrial leadership, Hanwha’s manufacturing and construction businesses encompass a broad range of fields from chemicals & materials, aerospace & mechatronics, total solar energy solutions, and global construction. The finance network, covering insurance, asset management and securities, is the second largest non-bank financial group in South Korea. The services and leisure sector offers premium lifestyle services with retail and resort businesses.

For more information, visit: www.hanwha.com